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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Blood Sweat And Dart Nick Debolt 309-360-5745 K M Village Tap 309-447-6834
Dart Vaders Jourdin Mcfarland 217-204-5393 Gudgel Ranch
Dartaholics Cody Gudgel 217-556-5063 Gudgel Ranch
Darty Deeds Chris Luketich 217-370-8021 Gudgel Ranch
U Sank My Battleship Kyla Simmons 309-620-4178 K M Village Tap 309-447-6834
Village Tap 1 Brian Simmons 309-620-7053 K M Village Tap 309-447-6834

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