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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Current League Players Report

League THRT54 - Thursday Triples C Div

Team Player Nick Name Shoots
Darin Pinne DAGWOOD 1
Steve Fisher BLADE 2
Brad Sanderson 3
Bulls R Us
Rich Nieminky 1
John Stone 2
Steward Miller 3
Corner Tap Boys
Rich Burdette 1
Ron Smith 2
Ethan Michael 3
Don Danley D Danley 4
Tom Martin 5
Nick Gargus 6
Ralph Gargus 7
Go Gurl
Maggie Trainor 1
Lauren Jungk 2
Jenna Davis 3
Shelton Adcock 1
Trae Harris WH LAMB 2
Lennie Strong 3
Mikheil Crotz CHEF 1
Curt Hobbs CURTIST 2
Toni Lutz TONIBOB 3
Jim Cebuhar 4
Turd Birds
Kyle Septoski 1
Dennis Gabinski 2
Kylie Kryger 3
Cory Petropoulos 4
Vics Place
Vic Moradia 1
Jerry Ferguson 2
Ryan Short 3

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